1Eid East London

The correct Eid prayer and celebration was missing in most of the western world until 1Eid revived the essence of Eid. 


Important information:

Eid Salah: 10 AM (Arrive by 9 am, 9:30 takbeerat & speech)

Men & Women welcome – Please come with wudhu & prayer mats




Next Day:  1 PM till 9 :30 PM


Special attractions: 

  • Fireworks: 9:30 PM ( Eid Evening Only after Maghrib salah ) 
  • Urban Beach all day on both days
  • Sumo competition ( Eid Day after 2 pm)
  • Quran competition (Eid Day after 2 pm)
  • Rock Climbing New! (Eid day 3 pm – 9 pm)

Next day attractions

  • Donkey rides ( Monday 3-7 pm)
  • Axe and Sword throwing ( Monday 3-9 pm)
  • 1Eid Funfair, bazaar,  Funday entertainment  all day on both days
  • Quran competition (after 2 pm)
Parking information: 

Eid day ONLY parking is located in Orchard playing fields Goodmayes Lane IG3 9PW. 

Click image to see on google maps. 

Follow the read lines walking. This is a 5-7 minute walk through the park to get to the prayer area and then the festival location. Only £5 all day parking for Eid day only. Helps cover council costs.

Disable drop off take place at: Colinton Road IG3 9RA

Here you can drop off elderly or small children. Please note the council have closed any car park located inside the park.

We ask you to park responsibly and not to block our neighbours drive ways. The council has informed us they will have additional parking enforcement officer patrolling. Please don’t ruin your Eid day by getting a parking ticket or your car clamped! 

What if it rains? 

1Eid has been running for 17 years, come rain or shine the Sunnah must be upheld! We do our part to work hard for months to plan this wonderful event, and we leave the rest in the hand of Allah. May Allah grant us success and accept our effort.

Rain is a Mercy from Allah, and living in the UK if we were worried about the rain we would never leave our homes!

1Eid will have plenty of gazebos and umbrellas for all if we get a few showers but we pray to Allah He keeps the sun shining!

Why should I register?

Imagine you had invited people to your home, you would want to know how many guests were arriving so you could serve and host them well?  1Eid is run 100% by volunteers who sacrifice their Eid day in return to serve the community in seeking the pleasure of Allah.  Registering online help us know our expected numbers, how many people to cater for to ensure the event can run safely. It also means we can notify you of any important announcements or changes that happen. 

Why is there a charge?

The 1Eid event is an event run by volunteers for the community, we are not a big business or corporation. The rental of the grounds is the biggest cost of the event and the ground needs to be rented for several days to set up and break down. Therefore we request all those to attend to make a small donation to help us cover this cost so that we don’t end up in debt and continue to bring you this celebration every Eid.

We do not offer any refunds for any tickets purchased on our website or on other platforms.  We also do not offer any other types of refunds due to the nature of the event, our work and because 1Eid is mostly funded by volunteers, our families and at times sponsors.  We welcome any additional investments should you wish to earn the good deeds for the akhirah which we all should seek. 

Want to help?

Volunteers needed – Do you love the sunnah and have skills you want to share? Then join our team of volunteers who end their Ramadan with a mountain of good deeds serving the people on the day of Eid!

CLICK HERE to find out more.

1Eid is 100% Voluntary run, your donations is what has sustained us for over 17 years. This event is for the community by the community and we are proud the Muslim community has supported sustaining the revival of the Sunnah of Eid!  Your donations go towards cost such as, prayer tarp ( where people pray Eid salaah),  ground hire costs, toilets, generators, security etc. 

Your donations are most welcome CLICK HERE


Goodmayes Park Green Lane entrance, IG3 9T


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Stay in touch
Click here to sign up. Updates for commencement of Ramadan and Eid days. We respect your privacy and will never share your information nor will we spam!